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Empresa con experiencia en la asistencia a las personas busca franquiciados nacionales (internacionales en un futuro próximo), para ofrecer sus servicios a las familias, mayores y niños, que resuelven cualquier imprevisto en nuestra rutina diaria: Salud, colegio, viajes, hogar, etc.

sábado, 5 de enero de 2019's impact on internet security

Hello there,
My name is Adam and I am doing some research online regarding free security tools for a project.
Your page helped me a lot with finding stats so I wanted first to say thanks!
(This is the page I refer to )

As I dig in a bit more, I found this source that was published just now, and I figured you might want to add to your page so your users would have some fresh figures.

Again, thanks for being the first step in my research, and I hope I returned the favor.
Adam Roger
Security Expert @
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